Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Classic Summer Weekend

Although it seems like an eternity ago, I hope you all had a good weekend. Was it me, or was it a particularly busy one? On Saturday I had soccer practice, which was lovely, followed by a delicious ham & cheese croissant at a local coffee parlour. Then later that afternoon I accompanied some fellows to 'the track' for the first time - we behaved like Gentlemen. Turns out I was pretty good at picking winners: for the first race I picked the Green horse - his name turned out to be Unquiet, and wouldn't you know it, he came in first!
For the second race I picked the Green one (considering he did so well in the first race, and it's my current favourite colour), and he came in second! At this point, Dad was doing a lot of signalling and visiting the ticket counter for other people... and this was when my Green horse picks were no longer doing quite so well - things became more quiet if you will.

Sunday was a new day, and after some wonderful Fish & Chips on Granville Island, we rode bikes to Greek Days! There were so many people, and so many smells. I learned the art of 'people watching' and also that it's not always a great idea to say everything you're thinking, in a loud, unmissable voice.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Earlier this month, I finally met my new cousin for the first time. Sabine and I got along famously... we talked about what it's like to be related (pretty cool), I showed her how I can do a table stand, we discussed that there are two more cousins on the way in September, I showed her how I ride my bike, and eat food with a fork, and run really fast, and jump high, and colour, and put my shoes on, and carry things with one hand.

Then we thought it would be hilarious to do impersonations of our parents. And....... nailed it! Sabine and her parents stayed with us for four days and it was sad to see them go, but we decided we're going to keep in touch, and visit whenever we can squeeze it in to our busy schedules.

Speaking of schedules, I finally got my own GP last week. As part of the application process, I had to have my measurements taken. I am officially 3, I'm a very fast runner, I don't like to acknowledge 's's at the beginning of words that start with 's', and I weigh 45 lbs (don't judge me) and am 3 1/2 feet tall.