Although it seems like an eternity ago, I hope you all had a good weekend. Was it me, or was it a particularly busy one? On Saturday I had soccer practice, which was lovely, followed by a delicious ham & cheese croissant at a local coffee parlour. Then later that afternoon I accompanied some fellows to 'the track' for the first time - we behaved like Gentlemen. Turns out I was pretty good at picking winners: for the first race I picked the Green horse - his name turned out to be Unquiet, and wouldn't you know it, he came in first!
For the second race I picked the Green one (considering he did so well in the first race, and it's my current favourite colour), and he came in second! At this point, Dad was doing a lot of signalling and visiting the ticket counter for other people... and this was when my Green horse picks were no longer doing quite so well - things became more quiet if you will.
Sunday was a new day, and after some wonderful Fish & Chips on Granville Island, we rode bikes to Greek Days! There were so many people, and so many smells. I learned the art of 'people watching' and also that it's not always a great idea to say everything you're thinking, in a loud, unmissable voice.