Hi Everyone! I hope you're all having a terrific summer. We've certainly been getting the weather for it. After we got home from The Continent we had our end of year celebration at school (still commonly referred to as khool). Yep, I wore a bow tie again - it's kind of my thing now.
Days after, I managed to cross something off my bucket list... I got up close and personal with a tow truck! I even got to ride in it for about half an hour! Dad wasn't quite as thrilled by the experience, but it was all pretty ok in the end.
It's been the perfect weather for bike riding and one Saturday, my Dad and I rode down Arbutus - on the Street! - and down to the beach, and along the water to Go Fish for dinner with Nanna and Grandpa. It was pretty epic.
We're back full time into Saturday morning soccer classes with Coach Glyn, and I've been going later in the day to play with the older kids. A couple of weeks ago, I scored eight goals... For Real! Here's a picture of one now.
Early July, we went with the Robinson family to Chain Lake! It was the best, forever. No one seemed interested in taking pictures, but here's one that the paparazzi got of me kayaking... that's right. I take out single kayaks now.... For Real!
But one mustn't forget the simple, comfortable things in life. A couple of mornings ago I went and had a steamed milk with the boys after helping Grandpa install a new cabinet at my khool. It was cool.