Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Watersliding Sundays with Strawberry

A large group of us went to the waterslides last Sunday. I had assumed that a waterslide park would be for children, but our group was 89% adults, with a strong, to pretty strong average household income.

Upon arrival, my Dad (excited) took me down a couple of slow kid slides, followed by a fast short one. Without getting into the details, I was pretty cool about having to inhale pool water, but that was my last slide and I sported a handsome, fitted life vest for the rest of the day.

After that, there was about 3 hours of running, soccer, watching my friends come firing out of water-filled tubes, and strawberry ice cream. The whole day was fun, but let's just say it was the Ice Cream that really put it over the top.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Communication is really important.

I love to garden. I especially love watering. I'm mum's head waterer. It helps me concentrate.
Speaking of good concentration...

I like short sentences. It's my choice communication. Four words usually suffice. They're direct and focused. Occasionally I'll hit five worders. But they're pretty indulgent. Nietzsche would certainly concur. I quote the [super]man...

"It is my ambitiontosayinfourwordsentenceswhatothersayinwholeparagraphs."

You should try it. Dad should try it! That guy can talk!
A new movement perhaps? Instead of Twitter,

Me in a windstorm.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summer's Arrived!

The Sun has arrived! It's been quite a month since my last post and quite a World Cup! This is me watching while I nursed a large beverage.
Congratulations Spain! So exciting that a new country won this year.
Beyond the World Cup, these last few weeks have included a trip to Portland with the ladies, Mum and Miss Faye (who were congratulated there for having the courage to raise a child together, as it was during Portland's Pride). Then I did some nature/camping with Nanna & Grandpa and Mum in Parksville. And then my Dad got home from Africa. He had a great time and said he'd let me know when the pictures are up. He did show me one though... he tried to sneak this guy home for me he said, but apparently the little one's mum wasn't into it.