Tuesday, April 6, 2010

One Fish, Two Fish, Black and Blue Fish...

A couple of weeks ago, I went to my buddy Jasper's 3rd Birthday Party (although this was only the 2nd of his parties I'd been to). Once again, it didn't disappoint - we all ate wonderful foods, mingled, shared our frustrations & jubilations, and threw, kicked & ran.
Interestingly enough, it later turned into a bit of a fish bashing - something I was not previously familiar with. Eventually I took a couple of good natured swings (first time I've been able to swing a stick without any stern guidance to desist), and we learned that this particular fish had recently eaten loads of toys and candy. So let this be a warning to any fish out there looking to steal children's toys and sweets - you will suffer the wrath of the Toddler Army (and that kid in the red jacket is crazy).
In other news... Congratulations to my good friends at Pyrrha for opening their beautiful store in Los Angeles. I can't wait to see it in person.

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