Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fall Festivities

Hi Everyone! I do hope you've all been well. I'm embarrassed to say that it has officially been a month since my last communication, but we're still up and running at least. Some of the highlights of this last 30 day period are sure fun to recall.

I am very much enjoying my baby brother - and he smiles at me every time I get right up close to him - he's like an angel (they're so innocent when they're young). I go swimming every Tuesday with my dad now, and have started a new soccer on Saturdays (last week I scored a super goal). My Dad and I have been spending more time together which keeps me busy (part of the reason for the wait between posts).

Speaking of my brother, he has got his own little gig over at - if you feel like subscribing, there is a box on the right hand side of his page. He's bigger into the photographic journey, but he's still learning about the audience.

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