Wednesday, February 3, 2010

New Word... Vada Allez Vaya пойдите

I've heard that sometimes in desperate situations, creatures are capable of incredible things. There was that woman who lifted a combine harvester off her own foot, and of course the classic story of the old fish who managed to swim to the beach and walk to safety from the threat of predators.
Last weekend, I went for a long walk with my Dad. It was chilly and he took his time to ensure I was well tucked etc - he can be a sweet guy sometimes (but is often slow). We'd barely gotten underway when he leaned over the stroller and checked again that I was alright... can you see alright? are you cold? hot? do you need gloves? comfy?
I was at a loss as I had no prepared words to explain that I was entirely fine... so I mustered up all my concentration, removed my travel soother, and tuned my pronunciation as best I could. I looked straight ahead so as not to get distracted and commanded... Go!
He looked impressed, if not slightly wounded, but I think he understood.

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